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Facebook is the largest database in the world, designed for advertising and you are the product. Facebook advertising is excellent value for money.
It is not free and having social media channels that are designed for paid advertising, leverage this and with a small budget, the returns are excellent.
However relying on non paid social media adverts, even when paying a third party to post for you, but not paying for the pay per click ads, will it really work? is designed to leverage search engine optimisation, and to be the answer to search queries entered everyday into search engines like MS Edge, Bing and Chrome.
A lack of understanding about how websites work with misinformation and web design having vast approaches by different companies, depending on the how the designer themselves perceives the world wide web. Sadly, many businesses have inefficient websites even when they look incredible., bringing adverts, inbound marketing and seo built landing pages that bring your target audience to you.