Durban North Online

A website dedicated to everything that goes on in our area and surrounding area. Or anything of interest to the people that live here. Especially dedicated to small business, charity, events and finding work.

4051 Durban is the voice for everyone that lives here. Complete a form and we will consider a blog post for you. For backlinks write an article to link back to your website. If it is interesting to the people of 4051, then a blog will be created.

Durban 4051 is for the Durban North and surrounding areas, do a search and find posts on anything that interests you.

Why is incidentally are not 3 ladies, as often first believed, just a play on the 3 wise man... and I am sure you know them well. If not they read the stars and 3 wise ladies have really good horoscopes for anyone who send a request.

Well, are incidentally extremely wise peeps and they happen to be really passionate about SEO, as well as horoscopes, they can make magic happen behind the scenes of a website. What they noticed was many smaller businesses and even bigger ones had little online presence.

So, is for many things but one of the purposes is the "mico site" , a website within the platform. This can be a one page landing page or a 5 page website. The idea that these micro sites will increase the SEO for each other and be a huge inbound marketing tool to all that use it.

A website is an investment, and currently for 3 months, we are offering a microsite of 3 pages free, send in the info that you want to appear on your site and provided the quality and copy meets our standards, we will put together a microsite for you. This can include backlinks to your own website.

We will expect an online review on our facebook page, to review the work done.

Interested in our services? We’re here to help!

We want to know your needs exactly so that we can provide the perfect solution. Let us know what you want and we’ll do our best to help. 

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